Thursday, February 27, 2014

Cecil part 2 - it's not rainbow, it's *prismatic*

Hair.  Let me repeat this.  Hair.  I spoke too soon about Carlos and his perfect hair, because for goodness sake that was the simplest thing I've ever done.  When it came to Cecil and his hair, I came close to tossing the poor thing out the window and into a snow bank.  (okay that's an exaggeration, but I did come close to scraping my paint off and leaving him ginger.  Since I also really like ginger Cecils an awful, awful lot)  But I persevered.

Again this blog post is delayed, since this happened on Tuesday, but anyway here is the long, involved story of his hair.  I started with one coat of ivory pearlescent paint.  
I put two coats on the front bit because it was apparent that it was going to need it and I thought I'd see how it looked.

two coats all over (by this point I was wishing I'd left it red)
finally with three coats of ivory, and on the standing up part, I did the third coat in a mix of my metallic white and a teensy tiny bit of pearlescent violet.  but I wasn't done there.  here: look at this other crappy Cecil artwork I drew (I really really hate this one, it was drawn before the other two you've seen, and at this point I was still trying to nail down any semblance of a hc, but I kept this one because his hair was so dang fine)
so you probably can't see it at all, but his hair has actual strands of different really pastel colors just tossed in, because remember how I said he was super colorful?  but I was really trying not to go rainbow with it.  because it's not a rainbow, it's supposed to be prismatic and iridescent.  I don't know how well that intention translated into painting the doll. 

upon looking at these photos I would like to rephrase my question from "does it look like a rainbow?" to "does it even show up at all?"  (hey isn't that the same question I had about the drawing?  I sense a recurring theme..)  I'm not super concerned about it, because at least it looks a little shiny.  Which is close enough to prismatic to please me.  

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