So this is it! Finally the post where I show off all the cool pictures of the finished dolls! I'm really proud of how they turned out, and even more proud of myself for these photos. oh and the title is slightly misleading: I didn't steal my brother's camera. I borrowed it, having asked him a week ago if I could, and he had apparently not been paying attention when he said yes. but after some explanation he actually took quite a few of the pictures himself for me because he's in art school and has a far better eye for artistic-like things. anyway, story time!
so the closest Arby's is an hour away. today we happened to be in town, so first we got lost going the wrong direction on the freeway trying to find Arby's, and then we discovered that the Arby's itself is right in this weird commercially-residential area (businesses and loft apartments alternating throughout the buildings) and as a result the parking was for select businesses or residents with parking tags only. so we wound around a few blocks (and a little playground and some municipal buildilngs I never even knew existed) and found a highly questionable stretch of curved sidewalk near a dead end where cars were parked even though there were no signs in sight. so my brother and I ditched the car there and ran four blocks to Arby's (me in heels of course) and found in the parking lot of the adjacent bread factory this little mini Arby's sign with a "welcome to -city name-" sign underneath. It was only about half the height of the normal sign, so we ran into the little snowy field by the highway (me still in heels now half-buried in the snow) and got some pictures.

this next picture is really funny to me because I thought it was super cute when I opened it up on my computer and I involuntarily made a little cooing noise (which I do a lot at fics and other people's cecilos art) but my brother happened to be around for this particular noise and he gave me the weirdest most disturbed look and we started laughing and couldn't stop for about 10 minutes.
but no seriously, look how cute this picture is:
we took a lot of pictures of each of them separately in the parking lot too, but then I found that I liked the lighting and colors better as the sun was setting at home so I re-took them again. and I used the car still because it's the best (read: only) way I could think of to prop them nicely.
Cecil had an incident on the way out the door for these photos in which he somehow managed to get magenta crayon lipstick (don't ask) all over his hair so I madly scrubbed at it with dish soap and it's only slightly tinted pink now in some areas. it's okay. it's ~iridescent~. yes.
cuties in their little alternate outfits ^ (yes I painstakingly utilized the windshield wiper blade to get a height difference because it was 7 degrees out and by that time my fingers were so numb I figured I may as well take the time to be detailed before the sensation returned) (also because I'm a nerd)
close-up of Cecil's poncho
close-up of the lab coat and illegal pens
I loved the way his hair reflected the blueish tones in this one. also the way it looks like the profile picture of a hipster on an online dating website.
so there you have it. it took me a little under a month (25 days to be exact) start to finish. 36 days ago I had this idea, and now I am so proud of myself for not only sticking to a project (which is hard for me generally), but also for doing a thorough and detailed job. here's some nice before and after pictures for comparison:

if anyone's been following my progress here, I hope you like them as much as I do! if you've stumbled across this blog looking to work on your own custom Lalas, I hope maybe some of my blind stumbling has helped you figure out some basic do's and don't's. (as they say: the best method of learning is from mistakes; they never specified precisely whose mistakes after all) if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and I can try to help you out.
thanks for stopping by either way!
goodnight, gentle reader, goodnight.